Thursday, February 10, 2005

Good news!

My brother et al. made it to Caracas. I talked to them and they are fine. Tonight I will get the gory details of the ordeal. As I thought, they were OK until last night, except for the expected rationing and lack of electricity. But through the night and the morning things became much worse and that is why they had to be evacuated.

I also got news from Miguel who also just managed to get his trapped folks evacuated by helicopter. I am sure he will also regale us with quite a tale.

Thus except for material losses (which also occurred to me but that is another story and not relevant to this blog) it seems that Venezuelan English speaking bloggers are getting back on track.

It also seems that the disaster will be as big (or bigger?) as 1999, except that people knew better and few lives will be lost this time. The verdict on why so many things went wrong again will have to wait. But I will give you a hint: if there is an independent comission allowed to do its work it will be a real natural disaster. If no comission is installed and the administrations stalls and contradicts it self, and send Chavez for a few more shows, then you will know that the necessary work that should have been done after 1999 was not done.

But if some are fine now we should not forget that still thousand of folks are stranded and, as time runs short for the day, they are bound for a real bad night.

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