Thursday, February 10, 2005

New update: The show must go on

I am mesmerized by the state TV. Chavez has come to greet the rescued party in which my brother and family have arrived. He is stuck on board as they are limiting the exist of people such as to give plenty of photo op for Chavez in his role of el gran rescuero. The anchor woman is interviewing all sorts of people but the camera is always fixed on El Supremo as he moves from group to group. Before Chavez arrival, the camera was trying to film refugees as they landed, thus why I stayed home to see if I could get to see my realtives. But Chavez arrived and that was that, all about him!

I have not seen my brother land yet but he is complaining through text of cold and hunger.

I would be mad at Chavez but for once what I am mad at is our cultural habits. That scene would have happened with any of our presidents (perhaps not with Leoni). Chavez is just a bigger showman and in Venezuela politics is about bread and circus... So the show goes on as selected group of rescued are introduced to the president, to great kisses and god bless you and what not. I am pretty sure that my kin will not be introduced :-)

Oh, well....

PS: of course the anchor woman from the state TV does not miss an opportunity to stick in here and there the revolution key words.

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