Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Zamorana pistol: an endogenous product development in Hugo Chavez revolution.

Reading this article in Bogotá’s El Tiempo, written by Valentina Lares Martiz, I learned that the revolution is now promoting manufacturing weapons.

The first product will be a 9 mm pistol called “Ezequiel Zamora” in honor of the colorful leader of Venezuelan Federal war that is one of Chavez’s icons. Some of Chavez’s friends have even said that the president believes that he is Zamora’s reincarnation (see here). So the choice for the pistol’s name is quite suggestive.

For the first time there will be fire arms 100% made in Venezuela. Actually, according to the article, the president of Cavim, the industry in charge of producing the arms, says that this will allow the substitution of foreign made weapons.

I am quite proud. Killing machines 100% made in Venezuela, a good legacy of Chavez’s revolution.

When facing the criticism because instead of producing medicines or food, Venezuela is investing in native weapons, the president of Cavim stated that his company is 100% private, although it is associated with the Ministry of Defense.

But you have to pay close attention to the next sentence, which is absolutely sublime. I will copy it here so that all its sense is not lost in translation or that you would think that I am making that up.

"Venezuela no está en una carrera armamentista. Cavim tiene un objetivo social y lo que está haciendo es trabajar, producir armamento, municiones y explosivos",

It says that Venezuela is not in an armament competition. Cavim has a social objective (you read it right!) and what is doing is working, producing weapons, ammunitions and explosives.

Gee! Thanks for explaining! Producing weapons, ammunitions and explosives must really have a profound social objective. Now, this ghost blogger is clueless. I wonder which social objective that could be. Unless it is getting everyone killed to get rid of social problems?

But, if you were still nervous about this weapon business, keep reading, this should make you relax:

..quien aseguró que las armas tampoco están destinadas a atacar alguna nación: "Esa no es nuestra filosofía. Cavim se adapta a la nueva doctrina expresada por el Presidente sobre la defensa de la soberanía".

Cavim’s president assured that the weapons will not be used to attack any nation. “That is not our philosophy. Cavim adopts the new doctrine expressed by the President about the defense of sovereignty”.

What doctrine are we talking about? The one according to which Chavez wants to create an army of two million people? (see Alo Presidente, April 3, 2005, page 37)

After all, this is the government that considers as a “good news” to arm and train peasants (see my article here).

And to complete the picture, let us keep spreading the good news. The advantage of the Zamorana pistols is their low cost, they will be quite affordable. According to the article they will cost 372$, about half the price of an imported 9 mm Glock.

And if you, dear reader, are still not convinced of how wonderful this new Chavista enterprise is, here is the best part. The industrial plant will be able to produce 15000 weapons a year! Isn’t that great?

So, Venezuela, that has one of the highest crime rates of the world and an astounding number of deaths by fire arms, will now produce even more affordable weapons. Since we had not enough of them, with 15000 cheap extra weapons, we will now be able to reach a good level of development and social peace.

Why didn't we figure that out before?

Is this plain goverment stupidity or does it have the intentional objective of keeping arming the people to “defend” the revolution?

What can I say?I am speechless.

Jorge Arena.

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