When you listen to the declarations of Maduro today, attacking the Venezuelan judicial system just because some ruling did not suit him, you might even wonder how prescient Weil was two days ago when he drew this cartoon.
Chavismo is on top of our Capitol dome, holding justice hostage while abstention (the one of December 4) is driving the beast crazy. Indeed, it seems that chavismo cannot find its bearings after that set back and instead is looking for ways to exact revenge from all of these people that dared not to vote for the beloved leader (who by the way is mad at the chavismo "leadership", blaming them for the failure to rouse the voters, never thinking, not even for an instant, and certainly not seriously if he does, that he might share some of the guilt).
Note the scream of King Kong, starting just as the chavista rallying scream... Uh! Ah! Chavez no se va! The only silly jingle that the revolution has been able to produce in 7 years. Even there the 4th Republic was more creative, having a couple of memorable new jingles every five years.
Those are the type of people we have been cursed with. I just hope that Descifrado is not as prescient when it writes "The beginning..."
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