After the slap Chavez received Saturday when the opposition gave a surprisingly large rally considering it is vacation time, after chavismo gave a rather weak rally performance of its ow
It all started with on horse ride in Apure, at Hato El Frio that he expropriated last year. He wanted to project the image of the conqueror of the Llanos, you know...
Once there he promised that with actions like El Frio expropriation he would treble, increase three times, the rice production of Venezuela. He has Vietnamese advisers for that so we are safe. I sure hope that Vietnamese work ethic will be sublimated into chavistas severely lacking in that ethic, or most other ethics for that matter...
We sure need that amount of rice because we have found out that Caracas is one of the most expensive cities in the world while at the same time one with the lowest income. As we cannot afford anything we will soon have rice. I trust! But no word about the missing beans to go with the rice....
Of course Chavez congratulated the military that repressed heavily the Saturday rally. Of course, after the pro Chavez sycophantic speech, the guy is going to get a medal for sure...
But busy as he was with all those good news for Venezuela that this time around we are sure he will fulfill, Chavez got some time to address the biggest threat ever against Venezuela: Colombia pseudo bases where US soldiers will be able to rape girls unchecked. I kid you not, he said that a week or so ago...
So, how is Chavez going to fight back? An invasion? More Russian tanks of little use in mountains and jungles? No!!! He will start a word campaign inside of Colombia to send a message of peace and to push toward the end of Uribe. Now, this might be bad enough but Chavez himself now considers "mensaje chavista" a real ideology! Here, two excerpts, my emphasis:
I mean, how bloated can an ego can get? But it gets better, he put in charge of the organization of that "chavista message" Blanca Eckhout, a little nothing bureaucrat that lives in chavista la-la-land. Then gain, it is a requirement to reach the inner sanctum of the prophet...
"La burguesía colombiana no quiere que mi mensaje llegue. Tienen miedo a que la voz de Chávez sea oída por el pueblo de Colombia." The Colombian Bourgeoisie does not want that my message gets there. They are afraid that the voice of Chavez be heard by the people of Colombia.
"¡Pueblo colombiano, no caigas en la trampa, únete a nosotros para hacer la patria grande de Bolívar, la Gran Colombia!" People of Colombia, do not fall in the trap, get with us to make the large fatherland of Bolivar, the Gran Colombia [I suppose with Chaevz as the beloved leader, no?]
Needless to say that Colombians, all of them, even the potential chavistas, were not amused. The Colombian government will start by taking directly to the OAS assembly the naked intervention of Chavez in internal affairs. Good, that will change the OAS from the Honduras fiasco, a real foreign intervention, all proofs in hand, to discuss...
Seriously now folks: what is Chavez up to? Can he really get away with that much for that long? Can he? Or is he trying to sabotage the coming UNASUR summit on Colombia? After all, now Uribe can take along the Chavez intervention and force his colleagues to discuss it, a high embarrassment potential for Lula as he tries to cash his debt from Venezuela. Uribe could not hope for a better present, not only for his reelection plans but to fend off the US military bases initiative. Even the Washington Post Editorial of today sounds outdated: if Obama cannot tackle Chavez he must be thankful for that "feet in mouth" syndrome Hugo suffers...
-The end-
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