How many more times do we have to say, have to write that the chavista regime is a fascist one, that it is anti religious, antisemitic, anti basic human rights? How long much do we have to tolerate those who do not tolerate us?
Last week the images of the "Divina Pastora" were shot at in diffrrent areas of Barquisimeto, followed by other symbols of the Catholic church. We start this week with a group of "organized homeless" trying to take over a Caracas synagogue. This was not an empty building in search of usage: churches also are empty on week days.
These people know exactly what they are doing even if they might not know what a synagogue really is. But they have heard the anti Jewish talk of the regime, the anti Catholic verborea of Chavez, the unacceptable recomedation of the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" on the Venezuelan national state radio no less.
What does it take to make people understand, in particular the still existing Chavez apologists, that when you let religious symbols being profanated as if nothing, then you are likely the next one in turn for profanation?
And do not come with the excuse that it might be people from the opposition that might have shot the Divina Pastora: if they did so it was because they knew it could be blamed on chavismo per Chavez disgraceful discourse.
And yours truly, the writer of this note, is a complete agnostic, for the record. Yet he knows very well that agnostics also end up in concentration camps, as needed, behind the Jews, next to the Christians, left of the Muslims, ahead of the Atheist, a few steps away from the Buddhists.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Idiotic survey of the day
AVN, the propaganda news agency of the regime, published today a survey that would have us believe that Chavez is going to win next Sunday with 61% of the vote while any, ANY opposition candidate will get at most a 15%. Apparently Chavez has been climbing since last January where he was only polling 58% to the 66% he gets now. 16% of the people consider themselves to be no-chavista to 51% who describe themselves as pro Chavez. This represents a remarkable collapse of the anti Chavez vote who got 48% 7 months ago. Even the US GOP did not collapse so fast in 1930.... there is at least one allegedly respectable news aggregator that picked up seriously that poll.
Seriously now, is this someone trying to reach a new sycophantic record or a way for chavismo to prepare us for anticipated elections with massive electoral fraud?
Seriously now, is this someone trying to reach a new sycophantic record or a way for chavismo to prepare us for anticipated elections with massive electoral fraud?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
¡Ay Teodoro!
[Actualizado] Habiendo tantas veces comentado tus acertados análisis me vas a permitir que por una vez juzgue un editorial tuyo com pésimo. Te uniste a Capriles Radonski en defender a PDVSA, en descalificar las sanciones gringas, en subscribir a la tesis de Chávez de la intromisión inaceptable del imperio. Es verdad, pusieron todos, tu, Julio Montoya, Capriles y quien más una cantidad de vericuetos, de excusas, de enredos, pero al final le regalaron a Chávez tanto o más que le regalaron los gringos de pie de plomo.
The dangers of Twitter-politics: the day Capriles Radonski might have lost the primaries
One reason I am not writing much on primaries, yet, is that they are so far ahead (Venezuelan political time), the risks of implosion so elevated, that I do not feel compelled to pay much attention, yet. And today I was vindicated as Capriles Radonski, governor or Miranda, and far ahead in polls (if it were not for Leopoldo Lopez unable to run), has made a major faux-pas that may cost him the primary.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
¡Uuuuy! ¡Que miedo!
Hugo, primero, dile al que te hace los Tweets que tenga mas cuidado cuando los escribe. Dos, dile que Twitter no es para asuntos de estado como la guerra a los EEUU: te deja ver como un pendejo. Y tres, a ver si de una vez le cortas el petroleo a los gringos en vez de ridiculizarte, y ridiculizarnos, aun más. Si tu escribiste eso en verdad, lo que me atrevo a dudar por mi propio bien anímico, pues increíblemente creo que te estas volviendo aun más cobarde que cuando pusiste la torta en el museo militar.
La "intelligentsia" chavista: ¿idiotez o ignorancia?
Tuve algunos problemas de televisión y tuve que resetear mis canales favoritos en cable. Por lo tanto, con paciencia, uno a uno, fui borrando la basura para guardar lo que es entretenido o informativo. Eso significa que se fueron Telesur, VTV, ViVe, Tves, los canales deportivos argentinos y una que otra cosa mas como Venevision y Venevision +. No es que nunca los vea: si la copa del mundo o Roland Garros vienen puedo reintroducir el canal apropiado, y para ver La Hojilla sé cual combinación con 8 hay que marcar. Pero el asunto es que una cosa estar emocionalmente preparado para calarse la vulgaridad de Mario Silva por 10 minutos (mi record), otra cosa es que te aparezca mientras surfeas.....
Monday, May 23, 2011
Local elections in Spain
No, this post is not about the socialist rout in Spain earlier today, it is about how elections , local elections at that, are reported on the web. If you look at El Pais, the reference paper of Spain, their web page gives you a few hours after polls closed something like 99% of the results, depending on the region. Not only that, you get most of the local details, the assembly composition, etc, etc. And even better, you have a tag so you can download .xml data and make your own calculations. As a reminder, in Venezuela we are still waiting for the complete results of the 2007 referendum, and the embassy votes are still not published because, well, Chavez lost too much there and we are not supposed to know about that. Go to the web page and play around even if you have no idea where in the world Spain is. And then wonder about the CNE trying to convince us to accept that it needs to buy new electoral machines that will link your fingerprint with your vote, killing once and for all the vote secret in Venezuela if we let the CNE get away with this.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Carta a los chavistas: su presidente y el apoyo a los asesinos Assad y Gaddafi
Con toda certeza pierdo tiempo escribiéndoles: los que yo quisiera que leyesen esta carta ya no ven más lejos que La Hojilla y Alo Presidente. Pero me parece necesario que en alguna parte esté escrito de una manera clara y precisa lo que significan las últimas posturas de su presidente. No quiero que tengan la excusa algún día de decir "No lo sabía" ya que no será solamente aquí que se dirán estas cosas. Mientras mas se dicen, menos escusas tendrán.
Su presidente no es el mío, nunca voté por él ni por sus compinches, ni siquiera en el referéndum de abril de 1999 donde fui una de las escasas voces de Venezuela que se atrevieron a contarse en el 10% del NO. No era que no se necesitaban cambios en Venezuela pero este servidor hace muchos años que entendió que las constituciones solo son tan buenas como la gente que las aplica. La historia ya me dio la razón, aun más ya que ustedes son los que más quieren cambiar una constitución que todavía podría limitar las fechorías que les quedan por hacer.
Hugo Chávez ya ha dejado de ser para mí el presidente de mi país. Se convirtió en el hampón que se adueño de Venezuela con el beneplácito de demasiadas alcahuetas. Pero éste no es el asunto que me preocupa hoy: ya me resigné al hecho que tendrán que ocurrir muchos más desastres antes de que ustedes por fin empiecen a pensar. El asunto que me hace escribirles hoy es que las consecuencias de las últimas acciones de Hugo Chávez me van a afectar aunque yo trate de esconderme, incluso si yo fuese a abandonar la patria. Pronto ser venezolano va a ser un pecado, obligándonos hasta en el exilio a pedir disculpas.
Si bien hasta ahora nos pudieren haber perdonado elegir a un payaso que arruinó al país, ahora no se nos puede perdonar que sigamos avalando al que se está convirtiendo a todas luces en un matón internacional. Para su consuelo también agrego en esta parte a la mayoría de la oposición y de la MUD que no se atreve a protestar con la energía deseada el apoyo que micomadantepresidente ofrece a Al Assad y a Gaddafi. Somos un país que está perdiendo el honor por pecados que podrían llegar a mancillar nuestra gesta heroica de la independencia. Pueblos heroicos no son arrastrados, nunca.
Su presidente no es el mío, nunca voté por él ni por sus compinches, ni siquiera en el referéndum de abril de 1999 donde fui una de las escasas voces de Venezuela que se atrevieron a contarse en el 10% del NO. No era que no se necesitaban cambios en Venezuela pero este servidor hace muchos años que entendió que las constituciones solo son tan buenas como la gente que las aplica. La historia ya me dio la razón, aun más ya que ustedes son los que más quieren cambiar una constitución que todavía podría limitar las fechorías que les quedan por hacer.
Hugo Chávez ya ha dejado de ser para mí el presidente de mi país. Se convirtió en el hampón que se adueño de Venezuela con el beneplácito de demasiadas alcahuetas. Pero éste no es el asunto que me preocupa hoy: ya me resigné al hecho que tendrán que ocurrir muchos más desastres antes de que ustedes por fin empiecen a pensar. El asunto que me hace escribirles hoy es que las consecuencias de las últimas acciones de Hugo Chávez me van a afectar aunque yo trate de esconderme, incluso si yo fuese a abandonar la patria. Pronto ser venezolano va a ser un pecado, obligándonos hasta en el exilio a pedir disculpas.
Si bien hasta ahora nos pudieren haber perdonado elegir a un payaso que arruinó al país, ahora no se nos puede perdonar que sigamos avalando al que se está convirtiendo a todas luces en un matón internacional. Para su consuelo también agrego en esta parte a la mayoría de la oposición y de la MUD que no se atreve a protestar con la energía deseada el apoyo que micomadantepresidente ofrece a Al Assad y a Gaddafi. Somos un país que está perdiendo el honor por pecados que podrían llegar a mancillar nuestra gesta heroica de la independencia. Pueblos heroicos no son arrastrados, nunca.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The end of the world is tomorrow
Updated: In view of some of the comments I could not pass on this little pic (hat tip Scott).-------------
Yours truly has found himself amazed to learn so late that tomorrow is the end of the world. He needed to use Doonesbury to learn about it, and also to refute it on the spot: Matthew 24:36 says "But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (KJ). Amazingly the preacher that launched that dozy already predicted a rapture about 20 years ago for which we are still waiting for. We learned that he has a degree in B.S. engineering which in his case can only refer to the solid emissions of cows's mates.
However, besides the date thing, he might be right about one country as the end of its world started in February 2, 1999 when an absolute bullshitter took charge. Since that date we have seen horrendous crime, expanding misery and even rapture as many of its citizens took flight to leave the joint.
Yours truly has found himself amazed to learn so late that tomorrow is the end of the world. He needed to use Doonesbury to learn about it, and also to refute it on the spot: Matthew 24:36 says "But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (KJ). Amazingly the preacher that launched that dozy already predicted a rapture about 20 years ago for which we are still waiting for. We learned that he has a degree in B.S. engineering which in his case can only refer to the solid emissions of cows's mates.
However, besides the date thing, he might be right about one country as the end of its world started in February 2, 1999 when an absolute bullshitter took charge. Since that date we have seen horrendous crime, expanding misery and even rapture as many of its citizens took flight to leave the joint.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Corruption in Venezuela: the untouchables
Tal Cual publishes a list of ten regime figures that are widely rumored to have made obscene profits from their jobs in public administration, arguably giving public a new meaning. I have no time to translate it right now but will give you the executive summary. There is the link and the list of those who are, for the time being, the most conspicuous corrupt thugs of the chavista regime:
Luisa Estela Morales Lamuño, TSJ president, morally corrupt to the core
The president of the Venezuelan high court of justice, TSJ, has already appeared in these pages were we noted that as a judge she had been already fired from her jobs. As a discredited person in the "legal" profession she only made it up to the top because she attached her fate to Hugo Chavez and write for him whatever sentence his regime needed. Well, this week she gave her ample evidence to back these assertions from yours truly (and pretty much anyone else with half a brain).
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Stars falling already. And others falling soon?
Too despondent about Venezuela's current degradation to write about it there is fortunately foreign matters to keep us entertained.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Porn at Al Qaeda
So they found a cache of porn in the stuff taken away from the Osama lair....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A word about Syria and the sad state of the world
Although I did spend some time writing about Libya, this blog has been mostly silent about Syria. I apologize for being remiss on that and from not condemning earlier the sad Assad regime. But Syria is a little bit different because to tribal politics we must add religious diatribe as the regime is basically a union of religious minorities that impose their rule on the Sunni majority. And that spells quite another kind of trouble than what we saw in Tunisia, and Libya....
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
No Samba for Chavez this time around
I do not want to be mean, but the sudden "old knee injury" of Chavez has a perfect timing. That is, he can bail out of any summit, any press meeting, any cadena even if he wishes so. Then again after having been exposed as to give 300 million USD to a terrorist association, you may want to keep a low profile for a while. And if that means postponing once again your first official meeting with Dilma Roussef, who has seen everyone but you already, well, so be it. She might as well start her second round of Samba dancing with the other guys.
I have the suspicion that the FARC linkage of Venezuela and Ecuador is just starting its aftershocks, no matter how much the ladies protest.
I have the suspicion that the FARC linkage of Venezuela and Ecuador is just starting its aftershocks, no matter how much the ladies protest.
Venezuela Asked Colombian Rebels to Kill Opposition Figures, Analysis Shows
It is not me saying this, it is the New York Times under the pen of Simon Romero. Remember the famous computers of Raul Reyes (and others taken since)?
It is not me saying this, it is the New York Times under the pen of Simon Romero. Remember the famous computers of Raul Reyes (and others taken since)?
The documents are part of a 240-page book on the rebel group, “The FARC Files: Venezuela, Ecuador and the Secret Archive of Raúl Reyes,” to be published Tuesday by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. While some of the documents have been quoted and cited previously, the release of a CD accompanying the book will be the first time such a large number of the documents have been made public since they were first seized.And this one for the annals of Paranoia:
The Maklediad
An Epic Poem it ain't....
Monday, May 09, 2011
Primaries: where the trends are
My favorite Pollster, Keller, has his March study out. Note: he is my favorite which does not mean he is the Bible of Venezuela polling, but he has the merit to have the best trends in the business even though his actual prediction record is not the best, though not bad. Not to mention that he does not promote himself like, say, LVL.... Second note: I am passing on all the voting patterns, etc, because,one, it is too early to bother with that and two, Chavez had a major populist onslaught through April and today's result could be significantly different, though certainly not reversed, yet. I have thus kept three slides that drew my attention: two on the understanding of the country misrule by the people, and one about voter preference for a primary candidate within the opposition electorate, the one that really matters for a primary.
Lies that do not fly
Sunday, May 08, 2011
De "vivir viviendo" a "mentir mintiendo"
Si hay algo que no deja de asombrarnos del chavismo es su capacidad de inventar nuevas artimañas para engañar a la gente. Después de 12 años de engaños en cuanto a la política de viviendas, después de 12 años de invasiones por doquier que han dejado irreconocible el perfil urbano de las ciudades, urbanizaciones y barrios del país, ahora vienen con la Gran Misión Vivienda y eso de "vivir viviendo" como la receta final para empezar a solucionar los problemas del país. Ahora si, ahora lo vamos a lograr. La Misión Vivienda fracasó pero la Gran Misión Vivienda eso si va a ser otra cosa.
El régimen sencillamente se apoya sobre la necesidad, la ignorancia y el habito de jugar lotería del pueblo.
La necesidad porque después de 12 años de decaimiento institucional , de faltas de respuesta verdadera y durable a los problemas sociales el pueblo desesperado fue ayer a hacer su cola aunque hasta algunas se desmayaron del calor.
La ignorancia porque el régimen sabe muy bien que el pueblo no saca cuentas, que el pueblo no tiene seguimiento en conceptos abstractos como eso de nacionalizar las fabricas de cemento y cabillas. El pueblo no entiende, no comprende, aunque algo intuye, que después de fabricar un promedio de menos de 50,000 casas al año en los doce últimos años, el gobierno será incapaz de mantener lo que hacia , y aun menos de aumentar ese número si ya los insumos no se producen en el país, y poca plata hay para importarlos, ademas de la comida, la ropa, las medicinas, etc. Como el pueblo sabe que van a ser pocas las casas, y aun mas los necesitados, todos se lanzaron a la cola temprano el sábado, para asegurarse su puesto allí, de primerito, por si acaso.
El régimen sabe eso del vicio de la lotería en le pueblo. Y por eso vende el Kino de la vivienda ya que la gente por mas trabajo que pase entiende que ese papelito, con un código de barras impreso, es un ticket de lotería que solo podrá validar y cobrar, algún día, tal vez, si Dios quiere, si estamos vivos, pero eso si, si Chavez sigue siendo presidente. Porque el mensaje de esa novedosas lista de Vivienda Tascon es nada mas ni nada menos que otro forma de chantaje electoral, para asegurase de una buena vez de la base lumpen y lumpenizada por Yo El Supremo
Lo único que nos asombra mas que la capacidad del régimen en crear nuevas mentiras y engaños es la capacidad de la gente de seguir autoengañándose, de hacer cola para registrase en la trampa.
El régimen sencillamente se apoya sobre la necesidad, la ignorancia y el habito de jugar lotería del pueblo.
La ignorancia porque el régimen sabe muy bien que el pueblo no saca cuentas, que el pueblo no tiene seguimiento en conceptos abstractos como eso de nacionalizar las fabricas de cemento y cabillas. El pueblo no entiende, no comprende, aunque algo intuye, que después de fabricar un promedio de menos de 50,000 casas al año en los doce últimos años, el gobierno será incapaz de mantener lo que hacia , y aun menos de aumentar ese número si ya los insumos no se producen en el país, y poca plata hay para importarlos, ademas de la comida, la ropa, las medicinas, etc. Como el pueblo sabe que van a ser pocas las casas, y aun mas los necesitados, todos se lanzaron a la cola temprano el sábado, para asegurarse su puesto allí, de primerito, por si acaso.
El régimen sabe eso del vicio de la lotería en le pueblo. Y por eso vende el Kino de la vivienda ya que la gente por mas trabajo que pase entiende que ese papelito, con un código de barras impreso, es un ticket de lotería que solo podrá validar y cobrar, algún día, tal vez, si Dios quiere, si estamos vivos, pero eso si, si Chavez sigue siendo presidente. Porque el mensaje de esa novedosas lista de Vivienda Tascon es nada mas ni nada menos que otro forma de chantaje electoral, para asegurase de una buena vez de la base lumpen y lumpenizada por Yo El Supremo
Lo único que nos asombra mas que la capacidad del régimen en crear nuevas mentiras y engaños es la capacidad de la gente de seguir autoengañándose, de hacer cola para registrase en la trampa.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Fascism forges ahead in Venezuela: the army declares journalists "military objectives"
The regime is relentless in its desire to silence any critical voice. As Chavez numbers keep sliding down even though his populist measures give him a monetary hiccup in the trend lines, it is clear that the regime has a need to silence opposition. For example we are reminded today by Globovision main owner, in exile in the US, that the pressure is sustained against Globovision. The regime is trying to get control of it by getting financial control of Globovision so as not to suffer the negative press it got when it downright closed Radio Caracas.
But the people around Chavez are also taking very dangerous initiatives. In an army publication an article appeared declaring certain journalists to be "military targets". That is right, there are some inside the armed forces that are drawing plans to get rid of anti Chavez journalists. I need not underline to you how grave such a thing is.
But the people around Chavez are also taking very dangerous initiatives. In an army publication an article appeared declaring certain journalists to be "military targets". That is right, there are some inside the armed forces that are drawing plans to get rid of anti Chavez journalists. I need not underline to you how grave such a thing is.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Explicando la muerte de Osama bin Laden a los chavistas que no entienden nada
"Obama no tiene forma de ocultar que Osama fue ejecutado en presencia de sus hijos y esposas, ahora en poder de las autoridades de Pakistán, un país musulmán de casi 200 millones de habitantes, cuyas leyes han sido violadas, su dignidad nacional ofendida, y sus tradiciones religiosas ultrajadas"
Pues empecemos por lo obvio: Obama ni siquiera trató de esconder eso. Es mas, hasta bien público lo han hecho, para mandar el mensaje claro a otros terroristas que esconderse detrás de faldas y familia no va a ser una protección. Así que ya, solo con eso, Fidel chochea. De paso, ¿desde cuando Fidel tiene escrúpulos religiosos?
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Osama bin Laden: better dead than tried
As to be expected there are many voices raising, from the downright silly that Osama bin Laden's rights were not read to him, to the "we killed him too soon, before we had a chance to get some intelligence out of him". You are all wrong, ALL of you that do not approve what Obama's team did this Sunday. And you, chavistas, even more so but this post is not for you, you are way too idiotic in your bad faith to understand what I am writing next.
With Osama we are not dealing with your average mass murderer, of the type that blasts his way through a campus and kills a dozen coeds. This is another dimension altogether and any mooring points must be looked for in the the Gulag, Auschwitz, Cambodia's fields and the like. And because Osama imbued his crimes under the crusading spirit of the jihad, if we may link these two words together, he ranks into a category by himself, complicating even more whatever could be done about him were we to have captured him earlier.
By ordering Osama to be killed and disposed off President Obama did the right thing, the only thing that at this point could be done. Let's not be fooled: the orders were not to capture Osama, they were to kill him unless the man would surrender peacefully which could have been an indication of wanting to deal with the US. Had he wanted ever to deal with the West Osama has had plenty of opportunities to do so since September 11. He did not, he put even more bombs. He had to been killed because capturing him would have only made matters worse, infinitely worse.
Can you imagine what the trial of Osama would have been like? The years to reach such a trial? The innumerable bombs, kidnappings, riots and what not that would precede it to try to gain his freedom? Simply put, it would have been such a fodder for further terrorism that it was better for the West to kill the psychopath once and for all and face the ensuing serenade.
The argument of intelligence is almost as quickly dispatched: what intelligence, what operative were left to an Osama in hiding inside a comfortable Pakistan compound since 2005 where he was too afraid to even have a land line and Internet..... Al Qaeda became a franchise quickly after the allies entered Afghanistan. Besides being a guiding light Osama had long ceased to be the main organizer. True, had we gotten him and be willing to torture or hypnotize him or something we could have got some names and maybe avoid a bombing or two. And how many reprisal bombings would have we avoided in exchange?
As for the body thrown at sea. Bravo! Or did people wanted to create a shrine to Osama in some remote cemetery where the family of the victims would try to go an piss on it while Al Qaeda would transform the joint in a pilgrim destination to the new Islamist saint? And bravo also to Obama refusing to release the pictures of the dead body. No conspiracy theory to look into here, just plain common sense. Eventually they will be "leaked" some day, on purpose, when convenient. But right now it would have served no worthwhile objective.
So yes, please, stop bitching about Osama's rights because the bitching you do for Osama reflects only the anti US inner you. Democracies have also the right to defend themselves, and this was a war. What were you doing to fight Al Qaeda on your own? Where was your unambiguous condemnation of September 11? Do you expect the West to always have to apologize for your own weakness? Do you really, really thing that sitting down with Osama and talkign to him would have helped mend things? Because if you truly think so then you are a nincompoop.
With Osama we are not dealing with your average mass murderer, of the type that blasts his way through a campus and kills a dozen coeds. This is another dimension altogether and any mooring points must be looked for in the the Gulag, Auschwitz, Cambodia's fields and the like. And because Osama imbued his crimes under the crusading spirit of the jihad, if we may link these two words together, he ranks into a category by himself, complicating even more whatever could be done about him were we to have captured him earlier.
By ordering Osama to be killed and disposed off President Obama did the right thing, the only thing that at this point could be done. Let's not be fooled: the orders were not to capture Osama, they were to kill him unless the man would surrender peacefully which could have been an indication of wanting to deal with the US. Had he wanted ever to deal with the West Osama has had plenty of opportunities to do so since September 11. He did not, he put even more bombs. He had to been killed because capturing him would have only made matters worse, infinitely worse.
Can you imagine what the trial of Osama would have been like? The years to reach such a trial? The innumerable bombs, kidnappings, riots and what not that would precede it to try to gain his freedom? Simply put, it would have been such a fodder for further terrorism that it was better for the West to kill the psychopath once and for all and face the ensuing serenade.
The argument of intelligence is almost as quickly dispatched: what intelligence, what operative were left to an Osama in hiding inside a comfortable Pakistan compound since 2005 where he was too afraid to even have a land line and Internet..... Al Qaeda became a franchise quickly after the allies entered Afghanistan. Besides being a guiding light Osama had long ceased to be the main organizer. True, had we gotten him and be willing to torture or hypnotize him or something we could have got some names and maybe avoid a bombing or two. And how many reprisal bombings would have we avoided in exchange?
As for the body thrown at sea. Bravo! Or did people wanted to create a shrine to Osama in some remote cemetery where the family of the victims would try to go an piss on it while Al Qaeda would transform the joint in a pilgrim destination to the new Islamist saint? And bravo also to Obama refusing to release the pictures of the dead body. No conspiracy theory to look into here, just plain common sense. Eventually they will be "leaked" some day, on purpose, when convenient. But right now it would have served no worthwhile objective.
So yes, please, stop bitching about Osama's rights because the bitching you do for Osama reflects only the anti US inner you. Democracies have also the right to defend themselves, and this was a war. What were you doing to fight Al Qaeda on your own? Where was your unambiguous condemnation of September 11? Do you expect the West to always have to apologize for your own weakness? Do you really, really thing that sitting down with Osama and talkign to him would have helped mend things? Because if you truly think so then you are a nincompoop.
Things that make you wonder whether there is much worth left saving in the country
Today there was an act at the National Assembly which is more worth notice for what it says about the country than the actual act. In short, the Assembly used its fake chavista majority to play a video that supposedly exposed the violence of the police of Chacao. Unfortunately within minutes the video was decried as been old, and that all the investigations on police brutality had already been solicited by the Mayor of Chacao 2 years ago and that if no one was yet on trial it was due to the inefficient judicial system upon which the said mayor, Emilio Gratero, has no influence whatsoever. In short: Chacao administration had done its job fully to whichever point it could go.
Normally in a civilized country the injured parties (Chacao and the people named in the affair some who happened to not work for Chacao) threaten to sue and the National Assembly issues an apology and fires whoemever sent them such a useless video. But this being Venezuela and these being the times where thugs rule, things do not work that way.
Normally in a civilized country the injured parties (Chacao and the people named in the affair some who happened to not work for Chacao) threaten to sue and the National Assembly issues an apology and fires whoemever sent them such a useless video. But this being Venezuela and these being the times where thugs rule, things do not work that way.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Chavez advertises even in Tal Cual: tax payer money for twitter ads for Chavez
What was my surprise today reading a strong editorial of Teodoro Petkoff in Tal Cual? Well, that the spot for Google Ads was occupied by an advertisement for what is allegedly Chavez twitter account, @chavezcandanga (which I do not follow, by the way). Of course, it was a coincidence but I could not fail to observe the irony that when in his editorial Petkoff attacks Chavez on the extreme abuses of cadenas, he is even further harassed by Chavez advertising next to the editorial.
Brutal fascist repression in Barinas, the home state of Chavez
Lorent Saleh, noted student that lead the latest hunger strike, was today in Barinas state for an event defending political prisoners. Chavismo thinking that it was far enough from Caracas arrested him and beat him up brutally. There are even pictures that we wonder how the local goons managed to let escape from the detention place. Then again they might be idiot enough to see that as a future deterrent for students to dare challenge Chavez in his home state. Note: I am not precising whether it was police, reserva, plain goons, etc... fascist systems create that potential in all of its followers.
Democracy at work, when the going gets tough at the White House
The White House has released a picture from the situation room during the operation to take on Osama bin Laden. I am sure that there are many pictures and that this one was not released without a purpose, and yet I think it is very worthwhile commenting because it shows a lot on how a great democracy operates, what team works really.
Without any particular order:
Without any particular order:
Monday, May 02, 2011
Bin Laden and chavismo: the difference between idiots and idiocy (UPDATED)
Idiots can be on occasion forgiven. After all, who has never acted like an idiot? But idiocy is a much graver matter as those who suffer from idiocy, well, are always idiots. And I was tempted to use the adjective "clinical" in the preceding sentence. Thus we can thank the demise of Bin Laden yesterday to illustrate that difference among those chavistas who are circumstantial idiots and those who suffer of permanent idiocy.
The chavista May 1 parade
The S.O. had to go. A few pictures. The populists announcements as Chavez officially launched his reelection campaign will be dealt with other previous announcements in a future post. Let's say for now that he is trying to kill private enterprise once and for all.
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The parade comes with folklore. This one is supposed to illustrate the successful agrarian polices of the regime. I do not know about you but what I am seeing is the celebration of the "conuco". |
Carta a Hugo Chavez
Su despacho,
Yo no se si usted vio el discurso del presidente Norteamericano Barak Obama hace a penas unos minutos. por eso de bin Laden. Si no lo vio, pídale a Rizarrita que se lo pase en el Betamax.
Usted verá como en 10 minutos se puede hacer un discurso realmente histórico, uniendo a la nación en su propósito, recordando la tragedia sin lagrimeo, serio y sin regodeo, sin hablar pendejadas, y sin embargo con el toque suficiente para respetar los sentimientos de todos, sin olvidar mencionar los héroes que hicieron el trabajo en verdad.
En los 10 minutos que habló Obama, en un discurso que casi seguramente le ganó la reelección, el presidente Obama se comportó con un decoro extraordinario, sin propaganda ni necedades personales, incluyendo una mención halagadora al anterior president Bush que usted tanto odia por ninguna razón que no sea personal y que se sabe que el presidente Obama no quiere tampoco, y con razones mas reales que las que usted pretende tener para odiar sus antecesores.
A ver si aprende y deja de insultarnos en sus cadenas sin fin, y aprende a hablar de lo que en verdad es importante y en verdad nos interesa, a TODOS los venezolanos.
Yo no se si usted vio el discurso del presidente Norteamericano Barak Obama hace a penas unos minutos. por eso de bin Laden. Si no lo vio, pídale a Rizarrita que se lo pase en el Betamax.
Usted verá como en 10 minutos se puede hacer un discurso realmente histórico, uniendo a la nación en su propósito, recordando la tragedia sin lagrimeo, serio y sin regodeo, sin hablar pendejadas, y sin embargo con el toque suficiente para respetar los sentimientos de todos, sin olvidar mencionar los héroes que hicieron el trabajo en verdad.
En los 10 minutos que habló Obama, en un discurso que casi seguramente le ganó la reelección, el presidente Obama se comportó con un decoro extraordinario, sin propaganda ni necedades personales, incluyendo una mención halagadora al anterior president Bush que usted tanto odia por ninguna razón que no sea personal y que se sabe que el presidente Obama no quiere tampoco, y con razones mas reales que las que usted pretende tener para odiar sus antecesores.
A ver si aprende y deja de insultarnos en sus cadenas sin fin, y aprende a hablar de lo que en verdad es importante y en verdad nos interesa, a TODOS los venezolanos.
Bin Laden out!
I do not know about you but I am about to pour myself a celebratory nightcap before Obama comes out to tell us how Bin Laden was taken out, from a mansion in Islamabad of all places... Interesting times ahead in Pakistan.
Of course, I can hardly wait to hear the reactions of Chavez......
Of course, I can hardly wait to hear the reactions of Chavez......
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Is the opposition alliance already tanking?
There is real cause for concern: all the signals the opposition alliance against Chavez, MUD, has been giving for the past two months are extremely worrisome. There is no hiding the harsh truth on that. In fact, I am starting to suspect that the silence form the MUD is due to the inability to keep up their negotiations and reach regularly some agreements. In other words, the MUD is silent because it is about to break up.
And even worse, the political situation is changing as the Venezuelan barrel of oil is crossing the 100USD mark which is going to give Chavez a few months of respite. He is showing all signs to use it the best way he can: consolidate his following through hand outs and thus create again a new aura of promises that might be fulfilled. If he goes unchecked and if oil holds above 90 USD until at December 2011, he will simply walk away with the election in 2012. True, it will not be a sweeping away victory as in 2006, not even a strong cheating enhanced victory as in 2004, but Chavez will take a 52 to 48 victory without any misgivings and surf ahead in his mad project for Venezuela.
And even worse, the political situation is changing as the Venezuelan barrel of oil is crossing the 100USD mark which is going to give Chavez a few months of respite. He is showing all signs to use it the best way he can: consolidate his following through hand outs and thus create again a new aura of promises that might be fulfilled. If he goes unchecked and if oil holds above 90 USD until at December 2011, he will simply walk away with the election in 2012. True, it will not be a sweeping away victory as in 2006, not even a strong cheating enhanced victory as in 2004, but Chavez will take a 52 to 48 victory without any misgivings and surf ahead in his mad project for Venezuela.
Cartas a la MUD: ¿Y van a dejar que Chavez tumbe todas las áreas verdes de Caracas?
Es que Chávez a veces se las pone bombita y ustedes nada que batean ese Home Run.
Lo ultimo de Chavez es agarrarse zonas verdes y parques para, disque, construir viviendas para refugiados Todos sabemos que eso es un error craso. Todos, incluido el mismo Chavez. Todos sabemos que muchas de esas viviendas, y cuidado si no la mayoría, irán para afectos del proceso que poca pinta de damnificados tienen (la damnificación mental del chavismo es otro asunto)
Lo ultimo de Chavez es agarrarse zonas verdes y parques para, disque, construir viviendas para refugiados Todos sabemos que eso es un error craso. Todos, incluido el mismo Chavez. Todos sabemos que muchas de esas viviendas, y cuidado si no la mayoría, irán para afectos del proceso que poca pinta de damnificados tienen (la damnificación mental del chavismo es otro asunto)
No electricity? No problem! Have a free day, but dress in red!

My translation of the memo, signed by a certain Iraima Alfonzo Durand, Human Talent coordinator of CORPOELEC, You cannot make up such titles...
We bring to the knowledge of all workers and workeresses [word coined by the editor, following the character of the bolibanana official address code] of CORPOELEC that the company will grant May 2 as a free day only to those that will attend tot he march of May 1 "International Labor day". To this effect supervisors will monitor participation at the march.
CORPOELEC ratifies its wishes to accompany its workers in such an important date.
"The working 'pueblo' builds the socialist fatherland!"
So there you have it, a true measure of the "spontaneous" workers participation at the Chavez party march which, we are told, will also serve as the official launching of Chavez reelection campaign, As if we had not noticed already tha the has been in campaign since last October....
No need to comment further, but I cannot resit to ask the question: what will happen to those that either chose not to march or prefer to march with the trade unions?
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